Monday, December 21, 2009

Whats the best advice you've ever gotten?

My grandmother told me to marry for money and not for love. If only I'd listened to her ...Whats the best advice you've ever gotten?
The best advice was what I got from my father when I was about 12 and again later on in life, about when I was 17. He told me to learn about investing, especially options and futures, and to learn as much as I could, especially about computers. I'm still not finished learning. As it is, I've always had to use what I've invested, so I've never really had that much of a gain from what I've invested. In this market, it's especially had to keep on making gains! I'm down for the year myself; but hopefully, that will change!Whats the best advice you've ever gotten?
haha. lol i really don't know to come to think about it

its always me what gives people advice

but never the other way around =/

well i should follow my own advice lol

but i guess

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. :D
';Don't ever believe anyone anything completely unless their is rock hard, touchable proof or evidence.Why? because they are are probably not quoting correctly, exaggerating, or just lying. Their is sometimes truth in people's words but only on rare occasions. This applies to your loved ones as well. Even if you disagree, you will understand. Keep your guard up 24/7';

Best advice I have ever received.
When crying over a boyfriend who had cheated on me, my mum gave me a big hug and said ''remember, however you feel now nothing will matter in 100 years time.

This has helped me to realize to live your life and not mope as in 100 years time we wont even exist.
Three things:

1. ALWAYS educate yourself - you never stop learning.

2. NEVER let anyone walk all over you.

3. .....its very cheesy but true - don't try to be something you're not. Be yourself always.
The best is ';treat people how you want to be treated';, but my nan used to come out with some gems ';Never sit under a dartboard'; and ';Never eat yellow snow'; were just a couple of nuggets of advice from her!
You can please some of the people all of the time, but you cant please some of the people some of the time
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you and be kind in all situations.
Follow your dreams not the money.

Helped me find my dream job with animals instead of a life term as a corporate slave.
best advice ever and best advice i give.....D.T.A.(dont trust anyone)
Be happy and Healthy
Don,t eat yellow snow...
dont eat yellow snow ....

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