I'm 19 and a little lost.
What's your best advice on life?
Tell me anything- about people you've lost, time you wasted, regrets, marriage? Do you wish you could go back? Do you ever think of chances that you let slip through your fingers when you were younger? Tell me anything...Anyone, especially adults, give me your best life advice. I'm 19 and feel lost.?
Compare to 19 , I am very old. I lived through WW II in Germany as a child, I could tell you stories about my childhood in war and postwar Germany that are horrific. How can a Child change where it is born? I wish I had been any other place in the world during this time. I am married to the same man for 44 years, I don't regret that. I regret having raised my children to become selfish and egoistical people, i was to permissive, Wanted to be a better parent then my parents were. It back fired big time. I regret not having finished College, I only need 9 units to graduate.
I moved from a Metropolitan area to a rural area, city has a population of 164, I missed California and the ocean daily, until 9/11 happened, then I was glad I lived in nowhere county. I regret not taking better care of my health, when i was young, I had untreated high blood pressure as a younger person, just ignored it. The best advice on life I can give you, take care of your health while you are young, dont smoke or drink and watch what you eat. You will be a healthy and happy old person, when the time comes. Get your blood pressure checked and follow your Physicians advice he knows what he is doing. Dont ride a motorcycle, having an accident on a motorcycle, even if you wear
a helmet, has devastating results, i know, been there done that. Be kind to yourself and others and dont take any chances, the world has become a dangerous place to live in. But there is hope for a good future, finish your education, avoid negative people, they will bring you down. Write something positiv about yourself every morning and believe that you are a good person and that you will succeed, if not at the first try, dont give up, try again. You can do anything. I wish you, that all your dreams come true and you have a wonderful life. Don';t ever give up, hope is lifes engine.Anyone, especially adults, give me your best life advice. I'm 19 and feel lost.?
Never regret about anything, don't waste your precious time!
Life is short ,and this you will come to realize when your life becomes busy and it will.Set a course, what are you good at if nothing get good at something ,be special at it,enjoy doing it,do it with your heart the rewards are
never ending,Remember one thing is for certain ,the world
can be a cold,lonely and unforgiving place nothing is free
not even the word there is always a catch if it's to good to be true it probably isn't.Stay home for as long as you need ,get your career and persue your goals live your life
to the fullest no one can stop you %26gt;%26gt; only you.
Take time to consider what you really want to do in your life be that a career or a vocation. It's easier to educate yourself in your youth than it is to do it in 15 years when you are married or having kids. I am not saying it's impossible, but it's hard.
Enjoy yourself. If I had it to do over, I might have skipped a class on the first nice day in Spring or found out what it was like to be late on a paper.
If you love someone, do get all freaked out about the future. Enjoy the now, and if you can't imagine your life without that person (and you feel that way for awhile) by all means commit.
Travel young. Honestly, kids are wonderful but they do limit your travels. So enjoy that now, and then you will be ready to put down roots.
Live everyday like its your last........Go with your gut instincts.....Never waste your time on regrets....everything happens for a reason. Smile as much as you can........Spend time with friends and make time always for family. Bring a camera with you everywhere, take memories with you wherever you go.
Go with your heart.......it knows you better than you know yourself
have some faith
Everything that happens in a life is meant to be used as a guide.
The pleasent things, we remember in detail, how the air smelled, what the day was like, who we were with and it brings a smile to our faces. These memories should be in detail so we can be happy in times when we are not.
The bad things that happen to us should not be remembered in detail, but should not be forgotten either.
When we find ourselves in a similar situation, we can draw on those memories to guide us out of a bad place.
We remember that a thing like this happened before and because we reacted in a certain way, we got out of it with little or no harm, so we will do that again. Or, it happened before and we reacted in a way that caused more pain and loss than it should have, so we WONT react like that again.
So dont dwell on the negitive aspects of your life, but dont forget them either, avoid the people or situations that cause you pain and embrace the peolpe and situations that bring you happiness and joy.
*You have nothing but time; time allows you to do whatever you wanna do. Live, sweetie, live! That's what life is about; go do anything and everything you want to do, don't let anyone or anything stop you.
*I've never wasted a moment in my life and I'm not about to!
*There are no regrets in life, especially when you learned from your mistakes.
*Marry someone you consider as yourself; be righteously selfish to this person - embrace him for who he is and the way he embrace other human beings. Love this man because of these things and have him love you because of these things; making each of you ONE.
*I would never want to come back because I've learned from what has happened to me; going back would only be going to hell!
*When I was younger I used to dawn on what could have, should have, or what would have but that's useless thinking, I know now. You learn, live, and forget!
*I've lost my father to lung cancer in 2000; I never knew my father smoked up until he exposed to us, his family that he had cancer. He was sick in front of us until he grew weaker when he had to be reduced to his bedroom in a hospital bed.
We all tend to feel like that at some time or other natural can`t do much about it now just get on with life learn by mistakes %26amp; think before acting in the same way if you are faced with a similar situation.
People throw hurtful words around without thinking. Don't let words ruin your day, your week, your life. Don't waste time on negative people. I have held on to negative people because they seemed like my friend, but their cutting words kept me from being happy. You are responsible for your own happiness and part of that responsibility, in my opinion, is weeding out those people who are bad for you.
Let me tell you that you are at the perfect age to feel the way you are feeling, be in gratitude for that feeling as it is telling you that you have yet to find your hearts pathways to your destiny and beyond.
I would say you are lucky you are feeling lost as knowing that you are lost is half the job done, because only then you will ever think of picking up a guide book or map in life, so consider you are half way through to your destiny. It is also a sign that you are not willing go along the herd and instead choosing to wait for your life's path to show up for you, so good luck there!
When you know that you are lost will you ever try to find your true path, the path of your heart, otherwise so many young people who are too sure of themselves and forget that best journeys are those in which we get lost a thousand times and still be willing to explore out of the little boxes we call human existence.
Life's path opens up its intimate treasures only for those who are willing to wait for the right path to open up to them. So hang in there my friend allow life to guide you to your destiny, best things come to you when you surrender to flow with the belief that you are special and your well being destiny is of greatest concern for the entire universe.
And know that you are not lost; you are just busy finding your way out here, as we all are, no matter what age we are at, as life is always opening up new pathways for those who are willing to traverse its pathway of love and light, with humility and with grace.
So make sure you stay not only humble and open, willing and ready to make that leap of faith when life shows you that little glimmer of hope for your future, through a tiny sparkle of inspiration in your heart.
Till then simply pay attention to your own hearts callings, and be prepared to follow your bliss as that itself is life鈥檚 ultimate destiny and should be career path too.
When I was about 48 I got up one morning and realized that I had more years behind me than ahead of me.
I also realized that I had wasted a generous portion of my life.
I had dreams as a young man that only turned into the nightmares of my later years.
Places I wanted to go things I wanted to do.
I made more mistakes than I care to admit, but I believe the biggest one was listening to other people concerning what I should do with my life. Their interest was in areas where money was good.
Now Money is a very handy thing to have but there is a lot to be said for contentment and fulfillment.
I was working in areas that held no real interest for me.
I wasn't doing the things I needed to do to answer that man deep inside.
I had become what others wanted, not what I wanted.
Now I'm trapped by age and responsibilities.
I know this may not help, but if you think about it a little perhaps you will find something helpful.
Always do the best you can, be productive, grieve when you need to but always have a project.
Just be yourself. Once you know who you are and what you want out of life, things get easier.
The best advice I can give you is to get a good education and decide for yourself what is right. A good education doesn't necessarily mean more school, it can come from travel or reading or just trying a variety of experiences.
I've made plenty of mistakes but I have few regrets. People who are not afraid of making mistakes tend to learn the most. Just make sure that if your going to make a mistake that its not life-threatening to you or anyone else.
You have to find out for yourself what gives your life meaning. There's lots of people who are willing to tell you but most often they are doing it for themselves and just trying to control you for their own purposes.
I'm 43 and I'm still not sure what I want to do when I grow up but at least I've had many many interesting life experiences.
Nothing ever goes waste ! The regrets about waste etc are very relative, though the experience is very real. Live fully, every moment here and now, and maintain it always. The rest is taken care of, always.
There are many times in your life when you feel that you have come to the end of everything.
You will feel that all your pleasure, happiness, and joy, are at an end, and all you have ahead of you are dry bones, as everything has gone stale.
But that is simply a transition from one stage of life to another.
One you emerge from that dark night, you will have gained a new level of maturity, and find new pleasure, happiness, and joy in life, on a new level.
i lost my dad and wasted countless amount of time going back and forth emotionally. at some point i wished i can just rewind and go through it again differently, but there's a reason to everything that happened to me. i may never learn the lesson that i'm supposed to learn if i really do go back in time.
I'm 24 but feel about 11 inside. Do I count as an adult? In some respects I hope not. My advice would be this; fill up your days. Do as much with your short spell on earth as you can. Cos even if you live past your centenary- that's not long in the scheme of things. Read, write, paint, discover, feel, see. Waste not a second. We are here for a short visit only before we pop off into oblivion forever.
The most sound advice I can give you is:1.Save as much money as you can for buying a house.
2.Invest as soon as you can in real estate.It it the biggest investment you will ever make!
3.Treat people how you want to be treated,but don't expect them to return the favor.
4.Make absolutely sure you want to be with someone the rest of your life before you marry.
5.Go to church on Sunday with an open mind. I hope this helps you at least a little bit.Never let unkind words rule your life.Good luck,GibbyGuy@netzero.net.
At this age of life one receives an urge to know GOD. PRAY that GOD will send you a teacher. in this changing of ages, he or she will probably be a spiritual teacher. you will know God sent them. SEE, Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa and www.stephen-knapp.com/articles_to_read.h鈥? Stay in the ';NOW'; don't look back.
Don't worry, Be Happy
i think everyone has felt lost in thier lives. I've had a difficult life, but no regrets, what choices i made in the past (and mistakes) have made me who i am today. Don't regret....just learn and grow.
keep on struggle, never give up!!! dont forget that u r strong enough to face ur fears unsuccesfulness etc...just keep on belivin' you and your inner power. u r the unique one! u must know your price too...when u realize these issues u can save yourself from dark ;)